This article is dedicated for learning Hibernate in a very short time and quick way. Important topics and summary of Hibernate technology are presented here.
Hibernate not only takes care of the mapping from Java classes to database tables (and from Java data types to SQL data types), but also provides data query and retrieval facilities and can significantly reduce development time otherwise spent with manual data handling in SQL and JDBC.
Hibernates goal is to relieve the developer from 95 percent of common data persistence related programming tasks. Hibernate may not be the best solution for data-centric applications that only use stored-procedures to implement the business logic in the database, it is most useful with object-oriented domain models and business logic in the Java-based middle-tier. However, Hibernate can certainly help you to remove or encapsulate vendor-specific SQL code and will help with the common task of result set translation from a tabular representation to a graph of objects.
Modern relational databases provide a structured representation of persistent data, enabling the manipulating, sorting, searching, and aggregating of data. Database management systems are responsible for managing concurrency and data integrity; they’re responsible for sharing data between multiple users and multiple applications. They guarantee the integrity of the data through integrity rules that have been implemented with constraints. A database management system provides data-level security.
The object/relational paradigm mismatch can be broken into several parts, we will discuss each of them. Let’s start our exploration with a simple example that is problem free Suppose you have to design and implement an online e-commerce application. In this application, you need a class to represent information about a user of the system, and another class to represent information about the user’s billing details. You can realize that a User has many BillingDetails. You can navigate the relationship between the classes in both directions.
public class User {
private String username;
private String name;
private String address;
private Set billingDetails;
// Accessor methods (getter/setter), business methods, etc.
public class BillingDetails {
private String accountNumber;
private String accountName;
private String accountType;
private User user;
// Accessor methods (getter/setter), business methods, etc.
It’s easy to come up with a good SQL schema design for this case:
create table USERS (
USERNAME varchar(15) not null primary key,
NAME varchar(50) not null,
ADDRESS varchar(100)
create table BILLING_DETAILS (
ACCOUNT_NUMBER varchar(10) not null primary key,
ACCOUNT_NAME varchar(50) not null,
ACCOUNT_TYPE varchar(2) not null,
USERNAME varchar(15) foreign key references USERS
The relationship between the two entities is represented as the foreign key, USERNAME, in BILLING_DETAILS. For this simple domain model, the object/relational mismatch is barely in evidence; it’s straightforward to write JDBC code to insert, update, and delete information about users and billing details.
The most glaringly obvious problem with our current implementation is that we’ve designed an address as a simple String value. In most systems, it’s necessary to store street, city, state, country, and ZIP code information separately. Of course, we could add these properties directly to the User class, but because it’s highly likely that other classes in the system will also carry address information, it makes more sense to create a separate Address class.
Should we also add an ADDRESS table? Not necessarily. It’s common to keep address information in the USERS table, in individual columns. This design is likely to perform better, because a table join isn’t needed if you want to retrieve the user and address in a single query. The nicest solution may even be to create a user-defined SQL datatype to represent addresses, and to use a single column of that new type in the USERS table instead of several new columns.
Basically, we have the choice of adding either several columns or a single column (of a new SQL datatype). This is clearly a problem of granularity.
Object/relational mapping:If we looked at the alternative techniques for object persistence the solution which is the best is ORM and we use it with Hibernate. Despite its long history (the first research papers were published in the late 1980s), the terms for ORM used by developers vary. Some call it object relational mapping, others prefer the simple object mapping; we exclusively usethe term object/relational mapping and its acronym, ORM. The slash stresses the mismatch problem that occurs when the two worlds collide.
Now let us look at the problems we expect to be solved by a tool that achieves full object mapping: The following list of issues, which we’ll call the ORM problems, identifies the fundamental questions resolved by a full object/relational mapping tool in a Java environment. Particular ORM tools may provide extra functionality (for example, aggressive caching), but this is a reasonably exhaustive list of the conceptual issues and questions that are specific to object/relational mapping.
Why ORM: A supposed advantage of ORM is that it shields developers from messy SQL. This view holds that object-oriented developers can’t be expected to understand SQL or relational databases well, and that they find SQL somehow offensive. On the contrary, we believe that Java developers must have a sufficient level of familiarity with—and appreciation of—relational modeling and SQL in order to work with ORM. ORM is an advanced technique to be used by developers who have already done it the hard way. To use Hibernate effectively, you must be able to view and interpret the SQL statements it issues and understand the implications for performance.
Now, let’s look at some of the benefits of ORM and Hibernate-
Before you start your first project with Hibernate, you should consider the EJB 3.0 standard and its subspecification, Java Persistence. Let’s go back in history and see how this new standard came into existence.
Understanding the standards:First, it’s difficult (if not impossible) to compare a specification and a product. The questions that should be asked are, “Does Hibernate implement the EJB 3.0 specification, and what is the impact on my project? Do I have to use one or the other?”
The new EJB 3.0 specification comes in several parts: The first part defines the new EJB programming model for session beans and message-driven beans, the deployment rules, and so on. The second part of the specification deals with persistence exclusively: entities, object/relational mapping metadata, persistenc manager interfaces, and the query language. This second part is called Java Persistence API (JPA), probably because its interfaces are in the package javax.persistence. We’ll use this acronym throughout the tutorial.
This separation also exists in EJB 3.0 products; some implement a full EJB 3.0 container that supports all parts of the specification, and other products may implement only the Java Persistence part. Two important principles were designed into the new standard:
Hibernate implements Java Persistence, and because a JPA engine must be pluggable, new and interesting combinations of software are possible. You can select from various Hibernate software modules and combine them depending on your project’s technical and business requirements.
Hibernate Core: The Hibernate Core is also known as Hibernate 3.2.x, or Hibernate. It’s the base service for persistence, with its native API and its mapping metadata stored in XML files. It has a query language called HQL (almost the same as SQL), as well as programmatic query interfaces for Criteria and Example queries. There are hundreds of options and features available for everything, as Hibernate Core is really the foundation and the platform all other modules are built on. You can use Hibernate Core on its own, independent from any framework or any particular runtime environment with all JDKs. It works in every Java EE/J2EE application server, in Swing applications, in a simple servlet container, and so on. As long as you can configure a data source for Hibernate, it works. Your application code (in your persistence layer) will use Hibernate APIs and queries, and your mapping metadata is written in native Hibernate XML files.
Hibernate Annotations:A new way to define application metadata became available with JDK 5.0: type-safe annotations embedded directly in the Java source code. Many Hibernate users are already familiar with this concept, as the XDoclet software supports Javadoc metadata
attributes and a preprocessor at compile time (which, for Hibernate, generates XML mapping files).
With the Hibernate Annotations package on top of Hibernate Core, you can now use type-safe JDK 5.0 metadata as a replacement or in addition to native Hibernate XML mapping files.
The JPA specification defines object/relational mapping metadata syntax and semantics, with the primary mechanism being JDK 5.0 annotations. (Yes, JDK 5.0 is required for Java EE 5.0 and EJB 3.0.) Naturally, the Hibernate Annotations are a set of basic annotations that implement the JPA standard, and they’re also a set of extension annotations you need for more advanced and exotic Hibernate mappings and tuning.
You can use Hibernate Core and Hibernate Annotations to reduce your lines of code for mapping metadata, compared to the native XML files, and you may like the better refactoring capabilities of annotations. You can use only JPA annotations, or you can add a Hibernate extension annotation if complete portability isn’t your primary concern. (In practice, you should embrace the product you’ve chosen instead of denying its existence at all times.)
The JPA specification also defines programming interfaces, lifecycle rules for persistent objects, and query features. The Hibernate implementation for this part of JPA is available as Hibernate EntityManager, another optional module you can stack on top of Hibernate Core. You can fall back when a plain Hibernate interface, or even a JDBC Connection is needed. Hibernate’s native features are a superset of the JPA persistence features in every respect. (The simple fact is that Hibernate EntityManager is a small wrapper around Hibernate Core that provides JPA compatibility.)
Working with standardized interfaces and using a standardized query language has the benefit that you can execute your JPA-compatible persistence layer with any EJB 3.0 compliant application server. Or, you can use JPA outside of any particular standardized runtime environment in plain Java (which really means everywhere Hibernate Core can be used).
Hibernate Annotations should be considered in combination with Hibernate EntityManager. It’s unusual that you’d write your application code against JPA interfaces and with JPA queries, and not create most of your mappings with JPA annotations.
Reverse engineering a legacy database:
This article is dedicated for learning Hibernate in a very short time and quick way. Important topics and summary of Hibernate technology are presented here.
Working with object-oriented software and a relational database can be cumbersome and time consuming in today's enterprise environments. Hibernate is an object/relational mapping tool for Java environments. The term object/relational mapping (ORM) refers to the technique of mapping a data representation from an object model to a relational data model with a SQL-based schema.Hibernate not only takes care of the mapping from Java classes to database tables (and from Java data types to SQL data types), but also provides data query and retrieval facilities and can significantly reduce development time otherwise spent with manual data handling in SQL and JDBC.
Hibernates goal is to relieve the developer from 95 percent of common data persistence related programming tasks. Hibernate may not be the best solution for data-centric applications that only use stored-procedures to implement the business logic in the database, it is most useful with object-oriented domain models and business logic in the Java-based middle-tier. However, Hibernate can certainly help you to remove or encapsulate vendor-specific SQL code and will help with the common task of result set translation from a tabular representation to a graph of objects.
Modern relational databases provide a structured representation of persistent data, enabling the manipulating, sorting, searching, and aggregating of data. Database management systems are responsible for managing concurrency and data integrity; they’re responsible for sharing data between multiple users and multiple applications. They guarantee the integrity of the data through integrity rules that have been implemented with constraints. A database management system provides data-level security.
Chapter 1.
The paradigm mismatch:The object/relational paradigm mismatch can be broken into several parts, we will discuss each of them. Let’s start our exploration with a simple example that is problem free Suppose you have to design and implement an online e-commerce application. In this application, you need a class to represent information about a user of the system, and another class to represent information about the user’s billing details. You can realize that a User has many BillingDetails. You can navigate the relationship between the classes in both directions.
public class User {
private String username;
private String name;
private String address;
private Set billingDetails;
// Accessor methods (getter/setter), business methods, etc.
public class BillingDetails {
private String accountNumber;
private String accountName;
private String accountType;
private User user;
// Accessor methods (getter/setter), business methods, etc.
It’s easy to come up with a good SQL schema design for this case:
create table USERS (
USERNAME varchar(15) not null primary key,
NAME varchar(50) not null,
ADDRESS varchar(100)
create table BILLING_DETAILS (
ACCOUNT_NUMBER varchar(10) not null primary key,
ACCOUNT_NAME varchar(50) not null,
ACCOUNT_TYPE varchar(2) not null,
USERNAME varchar(15) foreign key references USERS
The relationship between the two entities is represented as the foreign key, USERNAME, in BILLING_DETAILS. For this simple domain model, the object/relational mismatch is barely in evidence; it’s straightforward to write JDBC code to insert, update, and delete information about users and billing details.
The most glaringly obvious problem with our current implementation is that we’ve designed an address as a simple String value. In most systems, it’s necessary to store street, city, state, country, and ZIP code information separately. Of course, we could add these properties directly to the User class, but because it’s highly likely that other classes in the system will also carry address information, it makes more sense to create a separate Address class.
Should we also add an ADDRESS table? Not necessarily. It’s common to keep address information in the USERS table, in individual columns. This design is likely to perform better, because a table join isn’t needed if you want to retrieve the user and address in a single query. The nicest solution may even be to create a user-defined SQL datatype to represent addresses, and to use a single column of that new type in the USERS table instead of several new columns.
Basically, we have the choice of adding either several columns or a single column (of a new SQL datatype). This is clearly a problem of granularity.
- The problem of granularity: Granularity refers to the relative size of the types you’re working with.
Let’s return to our example. Adding a new datatype to our database catalog,
to store Address Java instances in a single column, sounds like the best
approach. A new Address type (class) in Java and a new ADDRESS SQL datatype
should guarantee interoperability. However, you’ll find various problems if you
check the support for user-defined datatypes (UDT) in today’s SQL database
management systems.
Let’s return to our example. Adding a new datatype to our database catalog, to store Address Java instances in a single column, sounds like the best approach. A new Address type (class) in Java and a new ADDRESS SQL datatype should guarantee interoperability. However, you’ll find various problems if you check the support for user-defined datatypes (UDT) in today’s SQL database management systems.
UDT support is one of a number of so-called object-relational extensions to traditional SQL. This term alone is confusing, because it means that the database management system has (or is supposed to support) a sophisticated datatype system— something you take for granted if somebody sells you a system that can handle data in a relational fashion. Unfortunately, UDT support is a somewhat obscure feature of most SQL database management systems and certainly isn’t portable between different systems. Furthermore, the SQL standard supports user-defined datatypes, but poorly.
This limitation isn’t the fault of the relational data model. You can consider the failure to standardize such an important piece of functionality as fallout from the object-relational database wars between vendors in the mid-1990s. Today, most developers accept that SQL products have limited type systems—no questions asked. However, even with a sophisticated UDT system in our SQL database management system, we would likely still duplicate the type declarations, writing the new type in Java and again in SQL. Attempts to find a solution for the Java space, such as SQLJ, unfortunately, have not had much success.
For these and whatever other reasons, use of UDTs or Java types inside an SQL database isn’t common practice in the industry at this time, and it’s unlikely that you’ll encounter a legacy schema that makes extensive use of UDTs. We therefore can’t and won’t store instances of our new Address class in a single new column that has the same datatype as the Java layer.
Our pragmatic solution for this problem has several columns of built-in vendor-defined SQL types (such as boolean, numeric, and string datatypes). The USERS table is usually defined as follows:
create table USERS (
USERNAME varchar(15) not null primary key,
NAME varchar(50) not null,
ADDRESS_STREET varchar(50),
ADDRESS_CITY varchar(15),
ADDRESS_STATE varchar(15),
) - The problem of subtypes:The result of this mismatch of subtypes is that the inheritance structure in your model must be persisted in an SQL database that doesn’t offer an inheritance strategy.
- The problem of identity: It occurs when we need to check whether two objects are identical. There are three ways to tackle this problem: two in the Java world and one in our SQL database. As expected, they work together only with some help.
Java objects define two different notions of sameness:- Object identity (roughly equivalent to memory location, checked with a==b)
- Equality as determined by the implementation of the equals() method(also called equality by value)
Neither equals() nor == is naturally equivalent to the primary key value. It’s common for several nonidentical objects to simultaneously represent the same row of the database, for example, in concurrently running application threads. Furthermore, some subtle difficulties are involved in implementing equals() correctly for a persistent class. Let’s discuss another problem related to database identity with an example. In our table definition for USERS, we used USERNAME as a primary key. Unfortunately, this decision makes it difficult to change a username; we need to update not only the USERNAME column in USERS, but also the foreign key column in BILLING_DETAILS. - Problems relating to associations: Object-oriented languages represent associations using object references; but in the relational world, an association is represented as a foreign key column, with copies of key values (and a constraint to guarantee integrity). There are substantial differences between the two representations. Object references are inherently directional; the association is from one object to the other. They’re pointers. If an association between objects should be navigable in both directions, you must define the association twice, once in each of the associated classes.
On the other hand, foreign key associations aren’t by nature directional. Navigation has no meaning for a relational data model because you can create arbitrary data associations with table joins and projection. The challenge is to bridge a completely open data model, which is independent of the application that works with the data, to an application-dependent navigational model, a constrained view of the associations needed by this particular application.
It isn’t possible to determine the multiplicity of a unidirectional association by looking only at the Java classes. Java associations can have many-to-many multiplicity. For example, the classes could look like this:
public class User {
private Set billingDetails;
public class BillingDetails {
private Set users;
}Table associations, on the other hand, are always one-to-many or one-to-one. You can
see the multiplicity immediately by looking at the foreign key definition.
If you wish to represent a many-to-many association in a relational database, you must introduce a new table, called a link table. This table doesn’t appear anywhere in the domain model. - The problem of data navigation: There is a fundamental difference in the way you access data in Java and in a relational database. In Java, when you access a user’s billing information, you call aUser.getBillingDetails().getAccountNumber() or something similar. This is the most natural way to access object-oriented data, and it’s often described as walking the object network. You navigate from one object to another, following pointers between instances. Unfortunately, this isn’t an efficient way to retrieve data from an SQL database.
The single most important thing you can do to improve the performance of data access code is to minimize the number of requests to the database. The most obvious way to do this is to minimize the number of SQL queries. (Of course, there are other more sophisticated ways that follow as a second step.)
Therefore, efficient access to relational data with SQL usually requires joins between the tables of interest. The number of tables included in the join when retrieving data determines the depth of the object network you can navigate in memory. For example, if you need to retrieve a User and aren’t interested in the user’s billing information, you can write this simple query:
select * from USERS u where u.USER_ID = 123
On the other hand, if you need to retrieve a User and then subsequently visit each of the associated BillingDetails instances (let’s say, to list all the user’s credit cards), you write a different query:
select *
from USERS u
left outer join BILLING_DETAILS bd on bd.USER_ID = u.USER_ID
where u.USER_ID = 123
As you can see, to efficiently use joins you need to know what portion of the object network you plan to access when you retrieve the initial User—this is before you start navigating the object network!
On the other hand, any object persistence solution provides functionality for fetching the data of associated objects only when the object is first accessed. However, this piecemeal style of data access is fundamentally inefficient in the context of a relational database, because it requires executing one statement for each node or collection of the object network that is accessed. This is the dreaded n+1 selects problem.
This mismatch in the way you access objects in Java and in a relational database is perhaps the single most common source of performance problems in Java applications. There is a natural tension between too many selects and too big selects, which retrieve unnecessary information into memory. Yet, although we’ve been blessed with innumerable books and magazine articles advising us to use StringBuffer for string concatenation, it seems impossible to find any advice about strategies for avoiding the n+1 selects problem. Fortunately, Hibernate provides sophisticated features for efficiently and transparently fetching networks of objects from the database to the application accessing them. - The cost of the mismatch: We now have quite a list of object/relational mismatch problems, and it will be costly (in time and effort) to find solutions, as you may know from experience.
This cost is often underestimated, and we think this is a major reason for many failed software projects. In our experience (regularly confirmed by developers we talk to), the main purpose of up to 30 percent of the Java application code written is to handle the tedious SQL/JDBC and manual bridging of the object/relational paradigm mismatch. Despite all this effort, the end result still doesn’t feel quite right. We’ve seen projects nearly sink due to the complexity and inflexibility of their database abstraction layers. We also see Java developers (and DBAs) quickly lose their confidence when design decisions about the persistence strategy for a project have to be made.
One of the major costs is in the area of modeling. The relational and domain models must both encompass the same business entities, but an object-oriented purist will model these entities in a different way than an experienced relational data modeler would. The usual solution to this problem is to bend and twist the domain model and the implemented classes until they match the SQL database schema. (Which, following the principle of data independence, is certainly a safe long-term choice.)
This can be done successfully, but only at the cost of losing some of the advantages of object orientation. Keep in mind that relational modeling is underpinned by relational theory. Object orientation has no such rigorous mathematical definition or body of theoretical work, so we can’t look to mathematics to explain how we should bridge the gap between the two paradigms—there is no elegant transformation waiting to be discovered. (Doing away with Java and SQL, and starting from scratch isn’t considered elegant.)
The domain modeling mismatch isn’t the only source of the inflexibility and the lost productivity that lead to higher costs. A further cause is the JDBC API itself. JDBC and SQL provide a statement-oriented (that is, command-oriented) approach to moving data to and from an SQL database. If you want to query or manipulate data, the tables and columns involved must be specified at least three times (insert, update, select), adding to the time required for design and implementation. The distinct dialects for every SQL database management system don’t improve the situation.
Object/relational mapping:If we looked at the alternative techniques for object persistence the solution which is the best is ORM and we use it with Hibernate. Despite its long history (the first research papers were published in the late 1980s), the terms for ORM used by developers vary. Some call it object relational mapping, others prefer the simple object mapping; we exclusively usethe term object/relational mapping and its acronym, ORM. The slash stresses the mismatch problem that occurs when the two worlds collide.
- What is ORM? In a nutshell, object/relational mapping is the automated (and transparent) persistence of objects in a Java application to the tables in a relational database, using metadata that describes the mapping between the objects and the database.
ORM, in essence, works by (reversibly) transforming data from one representation to another. This implies certain performance penalties. However, if ORM is implemented as middleware, there are many opportunities for optimization that wouldn’t exist for a hand-coded persistence layer. The provision and management of metadata that governs the transformation adds to the overhead at development time, but the cost is less than equivalent costs involved in maintaining a hand-coded solution. (And even object databases require significant amounts of metadata.)
An ORM solution consists of the following four pieces:- An API for performing basic CRUD operations on objects of persistent classes
- A language or API for specifying queries that refer to classes and properties of classes
- A facility for specifying mapping metadata
- A technique for the ORM implementation to interact with transactional objects to perform dirty checking, lazy association fetching, and other optimization functions
We’re using the term full ORM to include any persistence layer where SQL is automatically generated from a metadata-based description. We aren’t including persistence layers where the object/relational mapping problem is solved manually by developers hand-coding SQL with JDBC. With ORM, the application interacts with the ORM APIs and the domain model classes and is abstracted from the underlying SQL/JDBC. Depending on the features or the particular implementation, the ORM engine may also take on responsibility for issues such as optimistic locking and caching, relieving the application of these concerns entirely.
Let’s look at the various ways ORM can be implemented. Mark Fussel (Fussel, 1997), a developer in the field of ORM, defined the following four levels of ORM quality. We have slightly rewritten his descriptions and put them in the context of today’s Java application development.- Pure relational:The whole application, including the user interface, is designed around the relational model and SQL-based relational operations. This approach, despite its deficiencies for large systems, can be an excellent solution for simple applications where a low level of code reuse is tolerable. Direct SQL can be fine-tuned in every aspect, but the drawbacks, such as lack of portability and maintainability, are significant, especially in the long run. Applications in this category often make heavy use of stored procedures, shifting some of the work out of the business layer and into the database.
- Light object mapping: Entities are represented as classes that are mapped manually to the relational tables. Hand-coded SQL/JDBC is hidden from the business logic using wellknown design patterns. This approach is extremely widespread and is successful for applications with a small number of entities, or applications with generic, metadata-driven data models. Stored procedures may have a place in this kind of application.
- Medium object mapping: The application is designed around an object model. SQL is generated at build time using a code-generation tool, or at runtime by framework code. Associations between objects are supported by the persistence mechanism, and queries may be specified using an object-oriented expression language. Objects are cached by the persistence layer. A great many ORM products and homegrown persistence layers support at least this level of functionality. It’s well suited to medium-sized applications with some complex transactions, particularly when portability between different database products is important. These applications usually don’t use stored procedures.
- Full object mapping: Full object mapping supports sophisticated object modeling: composition, inheritance, polymorphism, and persistence by reachability. The persistence layer implements transparent persistence; persistent classes do not inherit from anyspecial base class or have to implement a special interface. Efficient fetching strategies (lazy, eager, and prefetching) and caching strategies are implemented transparently to the application. This level of functionality can hardly be achieved by a homegrown persistence layer—it’s equivalent to years of development time. A number of commercial and open source Java ORM tools have achieved this level of quality.
Now let us look at the problems we expect to be solved by a tool that achieves full object mapping: The following list of issues, which we’ll call the ORM problems, identifies the fundamental questions resolved by a full object/relational mapping tool in a Java environment. Particular ORM tools may provide extra functionality (for example, aggressive caching), but this is a reasonably exhaustive list of the conceptual issues and questions that are specific to object/relational mapping.
- What do persistent classes look like? How transparent is the persistence tool?Do we have to adopt a programming model and conventions for classes ofthe business domain?
- How is mapping metadata defined? Because the object/relational transformation is governed entirely by metadata, the format and definition of this metadata is important. Should an ORM tool provide a GUI interface to manipulate the metadata graphically? Or are there better approaches to metadata definition?
- How do object identity and equality relate to database (primary key) identity? How do we map instances of particular classes to particular table rows?
- How should we map class inheritance hierarchies? There are several standard strategies. What about polymorphic associations, abstract classes, and interfaces?
- How does the persistence logic interact at runtime with the objects of the business domain? This is a problem of generic programming, and there are a number of solutions including source generation, runtime reflection, runtime bytecode generation, and build-time bytecode enhancement. The solution to this problem may affect your build process (but, preferably, shouldn’t otherwise affect you as a user).
- What is the lifecycle of a persistent object? Does the lifecycle of some objects depend upon the lifecycle of other associated objects? How do we translate the lifecycle of an object to the lifecycle of a database row?
- What facilities are provided for sorting, searching, and aggregating? The application could do some of these things in memory, but efficient use of relational technology requires that this work often be performed by the database.
- How do we efficiently retrieve data with associations? Efficient access to relational data is usually accomplished via table joins. Object-oriented applications usually access data by navigating an object network. Two data access patterns should be avoided when possible: the n+1 selects problem, and its complement, the Cartesian product problem (fetching too much data in a single select).
- Transactions and concurrency
- Cache management (and concurrency)
Why ORM: A supposed advantage of ORM is that it shields developers from messy SQL. This view holds that object-oriented developers can’t be expected to understand SQL or relational databases well, and that they find SQL somehow offensive. On the contrary, we believe that Java developers must have a sufficient level of familiarity with—and appreciation of—relational modeling and SQL in order to work with ORM. ORM is an advanced technique to be used by developers who have already done it the hard way. To use Hibernate effectively, you must be able to view and interpret the SQL statements it issues and understand the implications for performance.
Now, let’s look at some of the benefits of ORM and Hibernate-
- Productivity: Persistence-related code can be perhaps the most tedious code in a Java application. Hibernate eliminates much of the grunt work (more than you’d expect) and lets you concentrate on the business problem.
No matter which application-development strategy you prefer—top-down, starting with a domain model, or bottom-up, starting with an existing database schema—Hibernate, used together with the appropriate tools, will significantly reduce development time. - Maintainability: Fewer lines of code (LOC) make the system more understandable, because it emphasizes business logic rather than plumbing. Most important, a system with less code is easier to refactor. Automated object/relational persistence substantially reduces LOC. Of course, counting lines of code is a debatable way of measuring application complexity.
However, there are other reasons that a Hibernate application is more maintainable. In systems with hand-coded persistence, an inevitable tension exists between the relational representation and the object model implementing the domain. Changes to one almost always involve changes to the other, and often the design of one representation is compromised to accommodate the existence of the other. (What almost always happens in practice is that the object model of the domain is compromised.) ORM provides a buffer between the two models, allowing more elegant use of object orientation on the Java side, and insulating each model from minor changes to the other. - Performance: A common claim is that hand-coded persistence can always be at least as fast, and can often be faster, than automated persistence. This is true in the same sense that it’s true that assembly code can always be at least as fast as Java code, or a handwritten parser can always be at least as fast as a parser generated by YACC or ANTLR—in other words, it’s beside the point. The unspoken implication of the claim is that hand-coded persistence will perform at least as well in an actual application. But this implication will be true only if the effort required to implement at-least-as-fast hand-coded persistence is similar to the amount of effort involved in utilizing an automated solution. The really interesting question is what happens when we consider time and budget constraints?
Given a persistence task, many optimizations are possible. Some (such as query hints) are much easier to achieve with hand-coded SQL/JDBC. Most optimizations, however, are much easier to achieve with automated ORM. In a project with time constraints, hand-coded persistence usually allows you to make some optimizations. Hibernate allows many more optimizations to be used all the time. Furthermore, automated persistence improves developer productivity so much that you can spend more time hand-optimizing the few remaining bottlenecks.
Finally, the people who implemented your ORM software probably had much more time to investigate performance optimizations than you have. Did you know, for instance, that pooling PreparedStatement instances results in a significant performance increase for the DB2 JDBC driver but breaks the InterBase JDBC driver? Did you realize that updating only the changed columns of a table can be significantly faster for some databases but potentially slower for others? In your handcrafted solution, how easy is it to experiment with the impact of these various strategies? - Vendor independence: An ORM abstracts your application away from the underlying SQL database and SQL dialect. If the tool supports a number of different databases (and most do), this confers a certain level of portability on your application. You shouldn’t necessarily expect write-once/run-anywhere, because the capabilities of databases differ, and achieving full portability would require sacrificing some of the strength of the more powerful platforms. Nevertheless, it’s usually much easier to develop a cross-platform application using ORM. Even if you don’t require cross-platform operation, an ORM can still help mitigate some of the risks associated with vendor lock-in.
In addition, database independence helps in development scenarios where developers use a lightweight local database but deploy for production on a different database.
Before you start your first project with Hibernate, you should consider the EJB 3.0 standard and its subspecification, Java Persistence. Let’s go back in history and see how this new standard came into existence.
Understanding the standards:First, it’s difficult (if not impossible) to compare a specification and a product. The questions that should be asked are, “Does Hibernate implement the EJB 3.0 specification, and what is the impact on my project? Do I have to use one or the other?”
The new EJB 3.0 specification comes in several parts: The first part defines the new EJB programming model for session beans and message-driven beans, the deployment rules, and so on. The second part of the specification deals with persistence exclusively: entities, object/relational mapping metadata, persistenc manager interfaces, and the query language. This second part is called Java Persistence API (JPA), probably because its interfaces are in the package javax.persistence. We’ll use this acronym throughout the tutorial.
This separation also exists in EJB 3.0 products; some implement a full EJB 3.0 container that supports all parts of the specification, and other products may implement only the Java Persistence part. Two important principles were designed into the new standard:
- JPA engines should be pluggable, which means you should be able to takeout one product and replace it with another if you aren’t satisfied—even if you want to stay with the same EJB 3.0 container or Java EE 5.0 application server.
- JPA engines should be able to run outside of an EJB 3.0 (or any other) runtime environment, without a container in plain standard Java.
Hibernate implements Java Persistence, and because a JPA engine must be pluggable, new and interesting combinations of software are possible. You can select from various Hibernate software modules and combine them depending on your project’s technical and business requirements.
Hibernate Core: The Hibernate Core is also known as Hibernate 3.2.x, or Hibernate. It’s the base service for persistence, with its native API and its mapping metadata stored in XML files. It has a query language called HQL (almost the same as SQL), as well as programmatic query interfaces for Criteria and Example queries. There are hundreds of options and features available for everything, as Hibernate Core is really the foundation and the platform all other modules are built on. You can use Hibernate Core on its own, independent from any framework or any particular runtime environment with all JDKs. It works in every Java EE/J2EE application server, in Swing applications, in a simple servlet container, and so on. As long as you can configure a data source for Hibernate, it works. Your application code (in your persistence layer) will use Hibernate APIs and queries, and your mapping metadata is written in native Hibernate XML files.
Hibernate Annotations:A new way to define application metadata became available with JDK 5.0: type-safe annotations embedded directly in the Java source code. Many Hibernate users are already familiar with this concept, as the XDoclet software supports Javadoc metadata
attributes and a preprocessor at compile time (which, for Hibernate, generates XML mapping files).
With the Hibernate Annotations package on top of Hibernate Core, you can now use type-safe JDK 5.0 metadata as a replacement or in addition to native Hibernate XML mapping files.
The JPA specification defines object/relational mapping metadata syntax and semantics, with the primary mechanism being JDK 5.0 annotations. (Yes, JDK 5.0 is required for Java EE 5.0 and EJB 3.0.) Naturally, the Hibernate Annotations are a set of basic annotations that implement the JPA standard, and they’re also a set of extension annotations you need for more advanced and exotic Hibernate mappings and tuning.
You can use Hibernate Core and Hibernate Annotations to reduce your lines of code for mapping metadata, compared to the native XML files, and you may like the better refactoring capabilities of annotations. You can use only JPA annotations, or you can add a Hibernate extension annotation if complete portability isn’t your primary concern. (In practice, you should embrace the product you’ve chosen instead of denying its existence at all times.)
The JPA specification also defines programming interfaces, lifecycle rules for persistent objects, and query features. The Hibernate implementation for this part of JPA is available as Hibernate EntityManager, another optional module you can stack on top of Hibernate Core. You can fall back when a plain Hibernate interface, or even a JDBC Connection is needed. Hibernate’s native features are a superset of the JPA persistence features in every respect. (The simple fact is that Hibernate EntityManager is a small wrapper around Hibernate Core that provides JPA compatibility.)
Working with standardized interfaces and using a standardized query language has the benefit that you can execute your JPA-compatible persistence layer with any EJB 3.0 compliant application server. Or, you can use JPA outside of any particular standardized runtime environment in plain Java (which really means everywhere Hibernate Core can be used).
Hibernate Annotations should be considered in combination with Hibernate EntityManager. It’s unusual that you’d write your application code against JPA interfaces and with JPA queries, and not create most of your mappings with JPA annotations.
Chapter 2
Starting a Hibernate project: In some projects, the development of an application is driven by developers analyzing the business domain in object-oriented terms. In others, it’s heavily influenced by an existing relational data model: either a legacy database or a brandnew schema designed by a professional data modeler. There are many choices to be made, and the following questions need to be answered before you can start:
We will use bottom up approach to make a example project and describe different aspects of hibernate.Starting a Hibernate project: In some projects, the development of an application is driven by developers analyzing the business domain in object-oriented terms. In others, it’s heavily influenced by an existing relational data model: either a legacy database or a brandnew schema designed by a professional data modeler. There are many choices to be made, and the following questions need to be answered before you can start:
- Can you start from scratch with a clean design of a new business requirement, or is legacy data and/or legacy application code present?
- Can some of the necessary pieces be automatically generated from an existing artifact (for example, Java source from an existing database schema)? Can the database schema be generated from Java code and Hibernate mapping metadata?
- What kind of tool is available to support this work? What about other tools to support the full development cycle?
- Top down—In top-down development, you start with an existing domain model, its implementation in Java, and (ideally) complete freedom with respect to the database schema. You must create mapping metadata— either with XML files or by annotating the Java source—and then optionally let Hibernate’s hbm2ddl tool generate the database schema. In the absence of an existing database schema, this is the most comfortable development style for most Java developers. You may even use the Hibernate Tools to automatically refresh the database schema on every application restart in development.
- Bottom up—Conversely, bottom-up development begins with an existing database schema and data model. In this case, the easiest way to proceed is to use the reverse-engineering tools to extract metadata from the database. This metadata can be used to generate XML mapping files, with hbm2hbmxml for example. With hbm2java, the Hibernate mapping metadata is used to generate Java persistent classes, and even data access objects—in other words, a skeleton for a Java persistence layer. Or, instead of writing to XML mapping files, annotated Java source code (EJB 3.0 entity classes) can be produced directly by the tools. However, not all class association details and Java-specific metainformation can be automatically generated from an SQL database schema with this strategy, so expect some manual work.
- Middle out—The Hibernate XML mapping metadata provides sufficient information to completely deduce the database schema and to generate the Java source code for the persistence layer of the application. Furthermore, the XML mapping document isn’t too verbose. Hence, some architects and developers prefer middle-out development, where they begin with handwritten Hibernate XML mapping files, and then generate the database schema using hbm2ddl and Java classes using hbm2java. The Hibernate XML mapping files are constantly updated during development, and other artifacts are generated from this master definition. Additional business logic or database objects are added through subclassing and auxiliary DDL. This development style can be recommended only for the seasoned Hibernate expert.
- Meet in the middle—The most difficult scenario is combining existing Java classes and an existing database schema. In this case, there is little that the Hibernate toolset can do to help. It is, of course, not possible to map arbitrary Java domain models to a given schema, so this scenario usually requires at least some refactoring of the Java classes, database schema, or both. The mapping metadata will almost certainly need to be written by hand and in XML files (though it might be possible to use annotations if there is a close match). This can be an incredibly painful scenario, and it is, fortunately, exceedingly rare.
Reverse engineering a legacy database: