
KD Tree

In computer science, a kd-tree (short for k-dimensional tree) is a space-partitioningdata structure for organizing points in a k-dimensional space. kd-trees are a useful data structure for several applications, such as searches involving a multidimensional search key (e.g. range searches and nearest neighbor searches). kd-trees are a special case of BSP trees.


Geocoding is the process of finding associated geographic coordinates (often expressed as latitude and longitude) from other geographic data, such as street addresses, or zip codes (postal codes). With geographic coordinates the features can be mapped and entered into Geographic Information Systems, or the coordinates can be embedded into media such as digital photographs via geotagging.
Reverse geocoding is the opposite: finding an associated textual location such as a street address, from geographic coordinates.
A geocoder is a piece of software or a (web) service that helps in this process.

Developing Location Based Services: Introducing the Location API for J2ME

captures the mobile phone's GPS coordinates and updates a web server
The first part of the article will show how to build, configure and deploy a MIDlet that captures the mobile phone's GPS coordinates and updates a web server with the new data using the Generic Connection Framework (GCF) over the HTTP protocol. In the second part you will learn how to calculate the device's heading and how to visualize the its location on an AJAX powered Google Maps Mashup.

Google Maps Latitude, Longitude Popup
Simply click on the map on a location and it will provide you with the latitude and longitude in the callout window.